2024: Wayne, L. "Ellen K. Levy by Leslie Wayne: Art that engages with science and archives." BOMB, summer 168 (posted Jun 24), click to view; click to download PDF;
2022: Editors, "Complexity and Visual Systems," Issues inScience and Technology, National Academy of Sciences; Arizona State University, cover and throughout
2021: Brodsky, J., Dismantling the Patriarchy, Bit by Bit (New York and London: Bloomsbury Press), 9,10
2019: Naves, M., “A Labyrinth Worth Getting Into,” Criterion, 28:37, June (posted May 28),
2017: Beckenstein, J., “Neural Networks: Ellen K. Levy on her “Meme Machines” and the thinking behind them,” Artcritical, May 30, click to view.
2016: Corwin W., “Truth in the Visual Arts: Skepticism in the Work of Ellen K. Levy and Patricia Olynyk,” Brooklyn Rail, click to download PDF;
2016: G'Sell, E., Segura, P., “Sumptious Skeptics: Ellen K. Levy and Patricia Olynyk Stage Creative Inquisition,” ArteFuse, click to download PDF;
2015: Segura, P., “Straight Talk with Ellen K. Levy,” SciArt in America, click to download PDF;, Feb, 28-33
2014: Miller, Arthur I., “Ellen K. Levy,” Colliding Worlds, click to view;
2014: L. Lippard, Undermining: A Wild Ride in Words and Images Through Land Use in the Changing West (New York and London: New Press),142-143
2014: S Martinez-Conde, Art and Science Team Up to Steal Your Attention with Magic, Scientific American Blogs, click to download PDF;
2014: N. Hutton, “Sleuthing the Mind: Exhibition Review,” in The Beautiful Brain blog,, click to download PDF
2014: A. Russeth, “Sleuthing the Mind,” ArtNews, December issus, click to download PDF
2013: B. Robertson, “Painting in the house of Solomon: Ellen K. Levy’s work re-visited,” Woman's Art Journal, Fall, 34:2, 11-20; click to download PDF
2011: E. Zhang, “Science reacts with art,” Daily Bruin (UCLA) A&E, April 6
2010: M. Wallace “Attraverso pelle, carne e ossa: arte, visualizzasione e genetica” in Perosino M: effetto terra, Johan & Levi Editore, pp 87 and 98-102
2009: L. Pelcher, Science Friday (NPR); Oct. 1; click to view
2009: J. Goodman, “Ellen K. Levy: Stealing Attention at Michael Steinberg Fine Art,”; click to view
2009: E. Pearlman, “Ellen K. Levy,” Brooklyn Rail; click to view
2009: R. Zaller, “Art meets science: Ellen K. Levy at Rider U.,” Broad Street Review; click to view
2007: R. Zaller, “Ellen Levy's 'Public Secrets,” Broad Street Review
2005: H. Cotter, “ATOMICA,” Art Listings, New York Times, WeekendArts, July 22, E 24
2005: B. Genoccio, “Haunting Terrain Between Creation and Science,” New York Times, Weekend, Feb 6, CT 7 color reproduction
2004: H. Cotter, “Face Off,” New York Times, Nov. 26, E-41
2003: B.H. Kevles and D.J. Kevles, “Truth, Beauty and Double Helix,” Newsweek International, Feb. 24, 43-44
2003: B. Pollack, Gene therapy: Four new exhibits showcase DNA-doctored art Time Out, New York, Issue 191
2003: M. Kemp, “The Mona Lisa of Modern Science,” Nature 421:416-420
2002 W. Zimmer, "Art Review: Themes are Universal in Artworks by Women,"New York Times, Apr 28, NJ, 14;
2002 (Nov): D. Frizzell, “The Butterfly Effect,” NY Arts
2002 (May-Jun):Genome News Network, featured the work of Ellen K. Levy
2001 (Sep): G. Berman in Juilliard Journal OnLine, reviewed the Prague installation
2000: B.H. Kevles and M. Nissenson at
1998: G. McCarthy: Art In America, (Oct) 86:10, 1139, 1141
1998: K. Johnson: “Art Guide” in The New York Times (Jan 23, Weekend: Fine Arts, Leisure), E35
1995: D. Ebony: Art in America (Jul) 83:7, 89-90